Study USA: Frequently asked questions

My passport expires before the specified date, can I still apply?
I am registered with the disability services in my college/university. Will I be able to access support services at a US college?
Can I see a list of colleges in advance?
I am doing a Foundation year degree, when can I apply?
I am doing a Foundation Degree and don’t have a first year average, what should I do?
I have a placement year as part of my course; will Study USA count as my placement?
Study USA does not meet the requirements of my placement year, can I still go on Study USA?
I am not from Northern Ireland, can I still apply for Study USA?
I am Northern Irish but am attending a University outside of Northern Ireland. Can I apply?
Can I apply for Study USA on a Higher Level Apprenticeship course?
Is there an age restriction on applications or can mature students apply?
I am an engineering student and my course is three years with possible extension to a 4 year course if I choose to take a masters pathway. When can I apply?
When do I need to pay the £200 Commitment Fee?
Is the £200 Commitment Fee refundable?
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