Committee members are appointed for a three-year term, renewable for a further three years, and come from a variety of professional backgrounds. 

Chair Dr Katy Radford MBE

Since graduating from Queen’s University Belfast in Social Anthropology Katy has been working with victims and survivors of trauma and on matters of equality. She has a practical interest in the arts as agents for change, social inclusion, post conflict recovery and resilience building. Katy is currently the Electoral Commissioner for Northern Ireland and was formerly Commissioner with the Northern Ireland Equality Commission and Vice Chair of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

John Brolly, Marketing & Communications Manager, St Mary's University College

John Brolly has nearly 30 years’ marketing experience, and now heads up marketing and recruitment at St Mary’s University College. John created an innovative award winning literacy project for schools whilst at the Irish News, the 'Young News readers', the highly successful Workplace & Employment Awards. He has created an International Summer School at St Mary’s with universities and colleges from four different states in the US taking part.

Image of Laura Leonard.

Laura Leonard, European & International Relations Manager, Belfast City Council

Laura is based in the Place and Economy Department at Belfast City Council. She has led Northern Ireland’s only dedicated European and International local government team since it was established in September 2003. Over the last two decades, Laura and her team have developed and delivered Belfast City Council’s first ever International Relations Framework and Action Plan. Laura also supports the promotion of international investment opportunities in partnership with key city players.

Mark Lee, Director for Higher Education, Department for the Economy

Mark joined the Department for the Economy in September 2021 in a new role as Director of Tertiary Education Reform focussing on vocational qualification reform, higher education in further education, widening participation and collaboration within the tertiary education sector. Mark was also Departmental lead on the inclusive growth strand of the Department’s 10X economic vision. Mark is currently responsible for funding and policy on higher education in NI.

Moira Doherty

Moira Doherty, Deputy Secretary, Skills & Education Group, Dept for the Economy

Moira Doherty is Deputy Secretary for the Skills and Education Group. The Group is responsible for the development and delivery of post-16 Skills and Education provision across NI, including Further Education, Higher Education, Vocational Training, Bespoke Skills Interventions and Careers advice and guidance. Moira is a visiting professor at Ulster University as a member of the Steering Group for the Masters in Public Administration. 

Pádraig Ó Duinnín, Director, Statement Productions

For 25 years Pádraig has worked throughout the UK and Ireland in the management and delivery of arts and cultural events with some of the world’s leading artists and companies. These include Ennio Morricone, The Turner Prize, the London Symphony Orchestra, the National Theatre. He has held senior positions at the Ulster Bank Belfast Festival at Queen’s, the UK City of Culture, Derry and was a director of the award-winning Lumiere Events. In 2016 he was appointed to the Arts Council of Ireland.

Image of Raymond Caldwell

Raymond Caldwell Director of Corporate Services and Education Governance, Department of Education Northern Ireland

Ray Caldwell has 30 years’ experience working across the education sector in Northern Ireland. He has gained a range of experience as a teacher, curriculum and senior school leader, examiner, Inspector of Schools with the Education and Training Inspectorate (holding the posts of Inspector, Managing Inspector and Assistant Chief Inspector) and, most recently, as Director of Curriculum, Assessment, Teacher Education and Professional Learning with the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.

Image of Iain Greenway

Iain Greenway, Director of Culture, Department for Communities

Iain Greenway is Director of Culture at the Department for Communities. He was previously Director of Historic Environment Division which fulfils a range of regulatory functions and provides support through advice and grant funding. Iain trained as a land surveyor, working in Britain and Ireland (including consultancy work in Eastern Europe and Africa) before becoming Chief Executive of Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland. 

Imgae of Lynsey Moore

Lynsey Moore, Director for Europe Strategy and International Relations, Executive Office

Lynsey was appointed Director for Europe Strategy in the Executive Office on 1 June 2022 and also has interim responsibility for International Relations.  She returned to Belfast following her posting as Director of the Office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels where she was represented the interests of the Northern Ireland Executive with EU institutions and decision-makers and supported Ministers and senior officials in their engagement with the EU.

Michael Wardlow, Chair of NI Transport Holding Co.

Before joining NI Transport Holding Co, Michael was Chief Commissioner, Equality Commission and CEO of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. Prior to this, his work focused on peace building and reconciliation, working in almost 40 countries. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute. He's also a Visiting Research Fellow at George Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.