With the event now in its 10th year, the Mock Council of the European Union continues to provide an interesting and exciting experience and an opportunity to develop debating skillsand increase student's knowledge on the European Union.

This year's event, which is once again being organised by the British Council and the European Commission Office in Northern Ireland, is taking place on October 10th 2014 in the Senate Chamber in Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

Every year schools are invited to participate in the event and nominate a small group of students to role-play a mock meeting of the Council of the European Union.

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is currently held in turn by Italy, with a rotation of each member state every six months. 

2014 debate topics are:

  • Foreign affairs
  • Youth

 Download the full details.

 Who should attend future Mock Councils?

Each October a small team of three students and one teacher participate in the  event. This is a restricted event with space for only 29 schools; 28 schools representing one of the current member states and 1 school chosen to represent the Secretariat General and the European Commission. The students will be expected to participate in a live debate on two topical European subjects with students from other schools from across Northern Ireland. Further information about the event will be distributed to registered schools in the current academic year but the scenario and agenda of the debate will not be distributed until the beginning of September 2014. The event is aimed at 16-18 year olds and would be of interest to a team of students with an interest in European affairs or politics. By participating in the initiative, the students will find out more about the workings of the main decision-making body of the European Union. They will also get a chance to practice their debating and diplomacy skills in a realistic setting in the Senate Chamber in Parliament Buildings observed by teachers and students from the twenty-nine participating schools.

For further details please contact Linda Cushenan or call 0289 0192 256



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